Lately, I was thinking about adequate term for better and healthier online/virtual experience and presence/existence. After, some t...
Do you think that "Coding Interviews" are obsolete when you are in the game for more over the 12 years?
My humble opinion is YES! As, a software developer I started my path exactly before 12 years. At the end of month August 2006 I got the fi...
Ruby On Rails on Windows 10 Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Yes! It Is Possible!
Ruby On Rails on Windows 10 Bash on Ubuntu on Windows Yes! It Is Possible! I was wondering " Is it possible to install and run Ruby,...
Ruby On Rails - Avatar Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError Windows 10 1607 SOLVED!
After reinstalling my Windows 10 OS to latest version (Anniversary update 1607). I had to install ImageMagick again. In one of my lat...
Basic AJAX in Ruby on Rails - Problem not closing modal SOLVED!
Hi, I checked this little ruby on rails and ajax tutorial on " Basic AJAX in Ruby on Rails " and at the end I had a problem wit...
Meteor JS Windows CMD Add local package problem solution! SOLVED!
You are creating your own meteor js package and you are at step where you need to add your package to ./meteor/version.js file using "m...
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