Nezir Zahirović

Cannot start the website because administrative privileges are required to bind to the hostname or port - SOLVED !!!

Few days before I have strange issue with my beloved (as I said before, most useful software package on the whole internet D:)... Visual Studio!!!

I had one simple web app, created with the MVC5 C# template, which worked all okay until few days. Suddenly, when try to start up I got a message "Cannot start the website because administrative privileges are required to bind to the host name or port"

I tried everything I know, also tried some some fixing solution from stack overflow..But unsuccessfully.. The project was created with Visual Studio 2013 before last update version 3. also I try tried to start project in Visual Studio 2012 and that was also unsuccessful.

After few days I found solution with help of thanks man!


- Find CSPROJ file of project you had issue with.
- Search for these two lines and DELETE them:

  • <DevelopmentServerPort>0</DevelopmentServerPort>
  • <IISUrl>http://localhost:57680/</IISUrl>
- Save CSPROJ file and start solution again !

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