Nakon dužeg razmišljanja i nagađanja , evo i Ja se odlučih na korak čarobnog postanja u virtualnom svijetu .
Moje postanje će prvenstveno da se odnosi na pisanje iz oblasti IT -a.
Ja kao dot net programer nastojat ću da na ovaj način čisto vodim zabilješke iz svoga svakodnevnog rada, a koji se sastoji isključivo od programiranja s .NET platformom (C#,VB.net,asp.net i odnedavno i MS T-SQL).
Časnom pionirskom se kunem, da ću se trudit da pišem korisne postove i to što češće.
Attempted translation :
.... finally in the world of blog

After long thought and speculation I decided to step into magical world of Posting in the virtual world. My posting will primarily be related to writing in the field of IT. I am a dot net developer and I will try, in this place, to write some useful articles from my notes at everyday work, which consists entirely of programming with .NET platform (C #, VB.net, asp.net, and recently, MS T-SQL). Holy pioneering a swear, I'll try to write useful posts as often as possible .
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