I had issues with bunch of errors at every try to upgrade my OS from the day when Win 10 was available for upgrade.
As I said I started the process of upgrading by downloading ISO or by direct web installation but after first restart I see bios for a milliseconds and It start to boot my Windows 8.1 again.
So, after ten or maybe even more tries to upgrade my finally today I succeeded .
First I had error: 0x80070002-0x20009
Searching for solution I find the information that I need to unplug my second HDD before trying to upgrade to Win 10.
I have 2 disks in my laptop. SSD I am using for my OS and HDD for storage.
So, I opened my lap top and unplugged my second disk and tried again with upgrade. I think that I did one more thing and that is tun off my nod internet security.
After installing and first restart I finally saw a bios and percentage of upgrading.
So upgrade finished but then I had problem with WiFi. It was disabled after upgrading Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Tried some tricks with deleting some keys from console, but I didn't had that key in my regedit.
So, I tried to find network card drivers for my toshiba, but neither one is for Windows 10.
After some times, I decide to downgrade Win 10 to Win 8.1 but then I need DVD installation and start again the all process.
I was tired with all these problems. Then decide to search for solution one more time and I find that I need in Control Panel Device Manager find Network Adapter and uninstall "Intel (R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 2200" and again install it and problem was solved!
After this step my WiFi was fixed and able to show connections.
Thanks to this comment I did uninstall and install of Network Adapter.
Windows 10 looks good, but I really spent to much time to make everything works well.
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